August 8, 2010
Dear Faithful One,
As the Spiritual warfare for the soul of our community continues it is encouraging to see outspoken Pro Life candidates like Scott Hughes get second in a four man race for Dist. 8 State Representative. I am particularly thankful for Janet Ratlift and her husband with their merry band of supporters volunteering to update and improve the “Prayer Chain for Life” contact list.
This year it is planned to happen on Sunday, October 3, between 2 and 3pm so as to combine our prayer time with all those 1200 + other prayer chains around the world.
If you are keeping signs and they are torn or dirty and need to be replaced please let me know as soon as possible so I can order new. The deadline for ordering is Sept. 13. We only spent $300 in Advertising all with the Daily Times last year. So there is a balance of $646.73 because Lamar Copy provided the copies and envelopes without charge and we donated the labels and postage.
If you have an idea for or would like to voice a radio announcement to invite the public or new churches etc. to participate in the Life Chain please call me at 984-1470.
Last year we sent out some 100 copies of the DVD on the 2008 “Prayer Chain“ but we need to make more copies and maybe some improvements to the work if there is someone gifted in editing Microsoft Movie Maker we would love to get it on you and have some copies to give away or mail.
As usual we are including original Pro Life flyers and sign-up sheet for you to copy each week and distribute to Sunday School teachers and/or bulletin boards. Please know we are praying for everyone who reads this letter on rejoice in the call of the Holy Spirit to participate in this years nineteenth annual Prayer Chain for Life.
Gratefully Prayerful,
Harry and Freida Grothjahn
See also:
Pro Life Freedom Ride in Knoxville to Chattanooga

The Political Machine can’t stand criticism. The new “Public Events Regulation”, to be voted on in the next Commission meeting on 10/21/2010, should worry every citizen of the County.
It requires 30 days notice, a $100 permit fee, and a $1 million insurance policy, to be able to stand on a sidewalk and hold a protest sign. It contains no exemption for political protest.
Think about the tax protest at the Courthouse last June. We did not even know of the plan to raise taxes 30 days in advance. Where would we get a $1 million insurance policy? Why a $100 permit fee?
I realize that the Maryville city regulations cover the Courthouse, but this would severely restrict political protest anywhere else in the County. And, the city might decide to make their regulations conform to the County, effectively eliminating all public protests at the Courthouse.
None of this passes the common sense test.
We need citizens to come to this meeting and speak out about this attempt to suppress your freedom of assembly.
Many of you have asked, who came up with the rules that were attached to my previous message.
Randy Ailey, Sheriff’s Office Representative; Ed Mitchell, Blount County Mayor; John Lamb, Blount County Planning Director; and Bill Dunlap, Blount County Highway Superintendent and James Tomiczek.
The Commission resolution is being sponsored by Commissioners Holden Lail and Scott Helton.
Jim Folts
County Commissioner – District 7
keywords: anti-abortion protest, First Amendment, Christian, Knoxville, Maryville, Alcoa, Tennessee, eugenics, Planned Parenthood, Endgame, Final Solution, pro life, Freedom Ride