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Unfortunately Governor Haslem has retreated from his historically bold leadership

position of calling for the State Legislature to address the funding crisis caused

by the Obama Administration failure to produce a Transportation Budget for

6 years, according to Tennessee Department of Transportation Commissioner


The Governor in announcing his position change, acknowledges the State

Legislators objections to dealing with the gas tax question in a election year is a very bad sign for the TAXPAYERS.

WBCR believes this State Legislator opposition to voter accountability

telegraphs lawmakers intention to pass a significant enough GAS TAX increase that would prevent their Leaders from getting re-elected and rightfully so.

The October Blount Co. Agenda Commission meeting was the shortest on record as soon as the role was taken Commissioner Carter of Dist. 1 elected by the voters from Martin Luther King Center and Everett motioned to adjourn the meeting but had to wait until Vice Chairman Samples Dist 3 from Eagleton and John Sevier got a vote of 10 to 5 both included as voting against setting the agenda.

Commissioner Carter then moved a second time to adjourn, and was seconded

by Commissioner Farmer of the 4th District precincts of Chilhowee

View, Fairview, Montvale and Board of Education. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Samples told WBCR “It was not the county commission’s business” referring to Resolution 2015-10-006 sponsored by Commissioner Miller of District 4, Chilhowee View, Fairview, Montvale and Board of Education.

Commissioner Miller said of Commissioner Sample’s position that, ” King George III himself could not have done a better job of sabotaging a lawful and righteous expression of outrage against tyranny.

Chairman Steve Samples’ objection to the resolution’s content is no justification for throwing the legislative process of a free people into the wood chipper as he and the county power elite did at Tuesday nights’ farce of an agenda committee meeting.”

The Mayor has called for a special called meeting without the Miller Resolution

says he is “getting the Commission business done” according to the Daily Times.

It appears to WBCR that the Mayor and all the Commissioner, legislators were

elected to represent the voters of Blount County. However the Mayor and

Commissioner Samples and the 9 other Commissioners who didn’t want to consider the Miller Resolution Petitioning God’s Mercy doesn’t represent their constituents.

The only citizens getting represented at October’s Agenda Committee Meeting

are those who don’t want God’s Mercy yet they seem to be in greatest need

of God’s Mercy, how ironic.

The commissioners wanting God’s Mercy for Blount County were Archer, Carver, Miller and Monroe,

Commissioners rejecting God’s Mercy were Bowers, Carter, Caskey, Caylor,

Farmer, Headrick, Lewis, Melton,and Samples.

So if you don’t get God’s Mercy what remains but his Judgment.

You can read the full Resolution at www.truthradio.tv October Agenda

Mercy Resolution.

If you want God’s Mercy to be requested for Blount County by Resolution then call the Mayor at 273-5700 and ask him to support Commissioner Miller’s Resolution.

After calling the Mayor you might also contact the Daily Times since they are so

powerfully interested in this resolution and ask them if they would interview you

or your pastor,or favorite retired Christian educator, or college professor

on the importance of justice and mercy of the God of the Bible.

WBCR would be happy to receive copies of your communication with either the

Mayor or the Daily Times so as to publicly report on they response to your concerns.

If you would like to recommend a guest for WBCR’s Local News Talk radio show

Monday thru Friday at 5:15pm Salt and Light Please call 984-1470 and if you would like to share your exchange with the Mayor or the Daily Times please do so in writing to WBCR PO box 130 Alcoa TN 37701 or by email to gm @ truthradio.tv.

RESOLUTION No. 15-10-006

Sponsored by Karen Miller and


Whereas, the Governor, Attorney General, and ALL WE Blount County Legislators have sworn

an oath consistent with the moral Law of God (“So Help Me God”) to uphold the Constitution of

Tennessee and the Constitution of the United States; and

Whereas, the fulfillment of this oath, in the American tradition, may not be read to contradict the

written Constitution, Justice, Reason and higher Natural Law; and

Whereas, not all orders claiming authority under color of law are lawful; and

Whereas, unlawful orders, no matter their source – whether from a military commander, a

federal judge, or the United States Supreme Court – are and remain unlawful, and should be

resisted; and

Whereas, the American system of federalism envisions a political stance of resistance by

States and their office holders against lawless federal court orders; and

Whereas, modernly, federal judges have once again usurped powers not delegated to them,

and have violated Reason, the Rule of Law and Natural Law by purporting to strike down State

laws and acts of the People recognizing and protecting Natural Marriage; and

Whereas, the United States Supreme Court is not the sole and final arbiter of the powers of the

States under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, when it acts in an area outside of its jurisdiction;


Whereas, the federal Judiciary was created by the Founders to have “neither Force nor Will, but

merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm” and the

States, for the carrying out of its judgments, and it is high time that the Court be so reminded;


Whereas we are forced beyond our wishes to comply with what is clearly against our conscience,

and violates what the Bill of Rights, both State and Federal, give us the Right to do…

With a firm reliance upon the providence of Almighty God WE the BLOUNT COUNTY

LEGISLATURE call upon all of the Officers of the State of Tennessee, the Governor, the

Attorney General, and the members of the Tennessee Legislature, to join US, and utilize all

authority within their power to protect Natural Marriage, from lawless court opinions, AND THE

financial schemes of the enemies of righteousness wherever the source AND defend the Moral

Standards of Tennessee.

WE adopt this Resolution before God that He pass us by in His Coming Wrath and not

destroy our County as He did Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring cities. As the

Passover Lamb was a means of salvation to the ancient Children of Israel, so we stand upon

the safety of the Lamb of God to save us.

WE adopt this Resolution begging His favor in light of the fact that we have been forced to

comply and recognize that the State of Tennessee, like so many other God-fearing States, MAY

have fallen prey to a lawless judiciary in legalizing what God and the Bible expressly forbids.


Commission Chairman County Clerk



County Mayor Date