SPECIAL prayers of support and thanksgiving go out to David and Genna Brown for organizing
and anchoring the 18th Annual Bible Marathon on the Historic Blount County Courthouse lawn
where you are invited to read the 1611 King James Bible cover to cover in 365, 15 minute
segments between 1pm Thursday May 5th and Sundown Sunday May 8th. Please consider
how rare an opportunity this is TO SUPPORT having ELOHIM’s word read out loud on your Courthouse
lawn. Can you imagine how Father YHWH looks forward to hearing HIS word read? How many
other Counties have a such an event. Please call Genna and David Brown at CALVARY CONSTRUCTION to reserve a time for your family to read for the ELOHIM. Call 865-388-1337 that 865-388-1337.
2 Corinthians 10: 3 For though in flesh we walk, not according to the flesh do we war.
4: for the weapons of our warfoare are not fleshly, but mighty by YHWH unto pulling down of strongholds,
5: When we pull calculations, and every height the uplifteh itself against the knowledge of YHWH
and when we bring into captivity every thought unto the obedience of the Messiah. 6: And when we hold ourselves in readiness to avenge all disobedience, as soon as your obedience shall be fulfilled.