IVERMECTIN IS APPROVED ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH COVID 19 TREATMENT GUIDELINES https://www.drugs.com/mtm/remdesivir.html The above link is establishment information but on side effects and treatment for those side effects however it does not offer research statistics. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/ This second link is from the National Institute of Health, Fauci’s Department listing the three approved treatments for Covid 19 Remdesivir is first and Ivermectin is second. I believe that when Dr.s and Pharmacists are saying, when they refuse Ivermectin treatments is that Insurance Plans are not paying for those treatments. However they are not prohibited but approved by the National Institute of Health as page 2 of the 7 page PDF reports. referenced at the above link. The second and latest program I did on this subject is I archived at the link below which starts 2 minutes in and later references the Bitshue interview with Dr. Ardis which was the first Sign of the Times program we did back in the summer on Ivermectin being approved by the NIH. http://tncitylinktv.com/archive/sign-of-the-times-w-perry-allan-111821/ THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN BROADCAST TWICE ON THE SIGN OF THE TIMES WHICH AIRS THURSDAYS 5-6PM “LIVE” which is then archived on www.truthradio.tv and then downloaded by Community Television in Knoxville for rebroadcast at 2pm the following Sunday on Comcast Cable channel 12, Channel 193 on Charter, Channel 6 WOW, and Channel 99 AT&T U-verse. Please consider getting a TRUTH AM1470 window letters for 6 inches X 3 incles on your back window at the studios of WBCR at 118 defoe circle maryville 37804 call 865-984-1470 before you come to make sure we are there.