Ignorant Commissioners Wield Power Vote for $100million the taxpayers oppose 15 to 1

This is Harry for Truth Radio news Blount county’s ONLY 24/7 NEWS SOURCE broadcasting from am1470, streaming audio at triple w dot truth radio.tv and on your cellphone without any app at 760-569-7754.

Blount County’s October Commission Agenda had a resolution selecting Alternative A as it’s choice of the four proposals presented in the September 6 letter from TDOT Secretary John Schroer outlining the four choices ranging from a no build alternative, using and improving existing roads alternative D and the Scenic Highway limited access interstate Alternative A.

Despite15 well spoken and informed citizens presenting against the A route for the Pellissippi parkway and only Brian Daniel the President of Partnership Blount speaking in favor, once again the Commisson showed it’s ignorance of the issue and arrogance of power with a 15 to 5 passage of the most opposed choice.

Brad Ansley reminded the commission of the “Southern Loop” having returned to the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organisation’s project list and hope the Commission would fix some of the messes they made before they start on paving paradise.

Kathlene Skinner reminded the Commission our county’s previous Budget Director’s research showed how residential properties take 20 to 40 years to break even because of the excessive costs of education over the property tax paid.

Jamie Davis identified himself as a Software CEO considering a relocation of his company. The rural feel of Blount county was the main draw. This proposed road extension diminishes the appeal of the area. I appreciate that you want to improve our economy …This road is not the way to do that.

Doug Gamble who lives off 411 north declared that the most dangerous road I drive is on 411 into Maryville. Mr. Gamble after the meeting very astutely pointed out to both Commissioner Lambert and Budget Director Jennings the error of their comments and to this reporter.

Mr. Gamble reminded me that the TDOT letter from Secretary Schroer in the commission packet describing the Pellissippi Parkway Extension alternatives that build Alternative D six sentence paragraph description says in the third sentence, ”Alternative D would use portions of existing Sam Houston School Road, Peppermint Road, Hitch Road, and Helton Road.“

This reporter when addressing the commission meeting reminded them of the last good decision it made regarding roads was when they voted to apply for the Federal Grant to fund 80% of the cost to widen Morganton road and at that time highway superintendent Dunlap had reported that we have “67 hazardous road conditions our children ride over in school buses every day” and that alternative D would improve existing roads.

Commissioner Lambert later asked the Budget Director Jennings if the project money could be used on Blount county roads to which he said no. Mr. Gamble believed it gave the margin of victory necessary to Alternative A.

Tona Monroe Ball out did herself with a quote from the Savior in Matthew 23:13,14 where He says Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

I attended the agenda meeting last week and there was so much straining over who gets to dole out what office space, something that didn’t amount a hill of beans to this County and then when a $100 million dollar project came up …there was no discussion about the road. If Jesus were to come back today I think those scriptures would read: Woe unto you Blount County Commissioners, hypocrites! For ye dole out office space and have omitted the weightier matters of law in building $100 million roads that the people don’t want. Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

The Blount County WBCR High School Football Players of the week are William blount Senior Quarterback Hunter Saunders who totaled 260 yards with 9 completions of 16 attempts and 2 TDs and rushed 15 times for 70 yards and a TD for the Govs- 34 to 27 victory over Lenoir City. Maryville Sophmore Shawn Prevo earned the coveted customized Player of the week CAP from WBCR by scoring 4 touch downs in Maryville’s victory over Farragut 35-6.