National Day of Prayer, Bible Marathon held

National Day of Prayer, Bible Marathon held

The Daily Times
May 07. 2010 3:01AM

The 19th annual Blount County observance of the National Day of Prayer was held Thursday at the Blount County Courthouse along with a Bible Marathon.

Harry Grothjahn, general manager of Truth Radio WBCR-AM 1470 and sponsor of the local event, welcomed attendees and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pastor Hubert McGarity, of Alcoa/Maryville Church of God, offered prayer for national government leaders in the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Former Tennessee State Sen. Raymond Finney, now leading Maranatha Fellowship of Restoration International Outreach (RIO), prayed for the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the state government. Pastor Ted Witchen, of Everett Hills Baptist Church, prayed for families.

The Bible Marathon commenced immediately following prayer time. Beginning with Genesis 1:1, individuals take turns reading passages throughout the day and night until the entire Bible is read. The reading will conclude sometime Sunday.