Sam Houston Won the Rio Grande Border Will Blount County Help SAVE IT ???

A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING A NATION HAS BORDERS   Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. This was to guarantee that each state of the union was protected against invasion by foreign nations, revolutionary forces, drug cartels and uncontrolled (illegal) immigration.  If we cannot control our borders we cannot defend our national sovereignty…’s that simple. The TENTH Amendment to the US Constitution still states “Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”   Whereas SAN ANTONIO – COVID-19 testing for migrants crossing at the border is not happening consistently at all locations, according to Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX 28th District). He says thousands of people who came into the United States recently through the Valley were not tested for the virus. Cuellar says, “I did ask Border Patrol from the very beginning: ‘Are y’all testing?’ They said ‘no, we’re not testing.’  Whereas US Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has declared that when the borders are not defended every State becomes a border State. Whereas the Trillions of Dollars borrowed on the backs of future generations should benefit from this GRANT windfall into the County’s coffers and not be spent on more bonuses and elevators to bankruptcy but rather look to the past and plan for the future. Whereas the “Liberator of Texas”, Marker of Sam Houston designates the April 21, 1836 Battle of San Jucinta, which created the present southern border of these United States is on this Courthouse’s Killed in Action War Memorial along the the name of 328 others from Blount County who gave their all ”defending our Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.” Do hereby resolve to create a Sam Houston sub-committee of 5 Veterans and 6 Commissioners to submit to this body budget policy Resolutions in line with what Governor Abbot of Texas is doing with it’s Covid economic recovery money and finishing the canceled wall. It is the constitutional duty of the federal government to secure these Republics. Therefore it is the moral obligation of this generation to protect the future generations security of this Republic’s future by giving said Sam Houston Sub-Committee the charge to find ways to not only fund the canceled wall but to challenge all other Counties to make those recommendations in the form of resolutions to appropriate Covid 19 infrastructure funds for building a border wall that would make us as proud as we are of what Sam Houston the Liberator of Texas did, “Remember the Alamo!”   please call your Blount County Commissioiner listed by districts below you can find your Commission District on your voters registration card. Harry Grothjahn Truth Radio am1470 Call-in 865-984-1470 personal cell 865-661-2500 1 -A Jackie Hill 865-982-8667 1-B Joe McCulley 865-982-6351 2-A Mike Akard 865-982-6369 2-B Jim Hammontree 865-898-7506 3-A Scott King 865-660-8654 3-B Mike Caylor 865-323-3143 4-A Robbie Bennett 865-809-2295 4-B Dawn Reagan 865-724-3162 4-C Brian Robbins 865-809-2295 5-A Jared Anderson 865-272-9455 5-B Rick Carver 865-964-9945 6-A Nick Bright 865-254-0637 6-B Dodd Crowe 865-742-6737 7-A Tom Stinnett 865-310-8606 7-B Staci Lawhorn 865-719-6765 8-A Brad Bowers 865-659-7711 8-B Jeff Jopling 865-719-9480 9-A Ron French 865-577-8393 9-B Steve Mikels 865-755-6958 10-A Linda Webb 865-389-0541 10-B Tom Hood 865-643-2891