Gender Bias or Political Correctness You Decide about Blount County’s Commission

This is Freida for Truth radio News your Politically Incorrect source for National and Local News with views from a God fearing, Constitution loving and Souvergin Serving perspective wishing all would come to be the Preserved by the indwelling power of our Savior’s sent Holy Spirit. Does Political Correctness equate to gender bias in Blount County Commission Agenda Meetings? Last month Commissioner Karon Miller’s Resolution petitioning God’s Mercy when Judgment comes on America for legalizing as marriage what the Bible calls an abomination was rejected from even being considered for discussion in that month’s Commission meeting discussion and now in November Commissioner Tona Monroe proposes through resolution to question by interview with the author of the two year old $95 thousand historic first ever Criminal Justice System Assessment of Blount County was rejected from this months Commission agenda. Commissioner Monroe called in to WBCR’s broadcast of the u-tube rebroadcast of the November 10 Blount County Commission Agenda committee meeting to express her serious concerns regarding the County failing to address the chronic overcrowding in the Blount County Jail and how illogical the commission’s action was by refusing to hear from a Institute that has done 400 such studies nationally. Rather than getting their questions answered regarding the $95 thousand completed and paid for 18 months ago assessment. Our commission wants to wait and hear from the Tennessee Corrections Commission, current “SNAP SHOT” of the Jail ONLY. Commissioner Headrick Chairman of the Corrections Partnership Committee in the November Commission Agenda committee meeting demonstrated his ignorance of the facts contained in the $95 thousand study by the Institute for Law and Policy Planning Study by saying that it “recommended” a building cost of between $68 and$124 million. The report made NO SUCH RECOMMENDATION but presented it as as the COST for DOING NOTHING which is apparently what commissioner Headrick’s Committee has done. The report makes FIVE recommendations to reduce overcrowding at the end of chapter 7 on Blount County courts from page 72 to 80. Specifically, obtain or create a method of managing cases in a timely manner, screen cases before filing in court, courts should designate the clerk to provide full debt collection services, the court should reconsider and restructure it’s jail from being used to collect debts, and last the county needs to expand methods to treat drug addicts rather than using it’s jail. In chapter 3 page 17 chart number 25 The Institute of Law and Policy Planning gives the following “Snap Shot” or the 2011/12 fiscal year summary of jailed population. The Statewide average of inmates for Probation violations is 15 % Blount County is over twice that at 35%, Guilty as Charged Statewide 43% Blount County 81%, Dismissed statewide 31% Blount County 6% and Pretrial Diversion Statewide 4% Blount County 7%. However now Chairman Headrick wants to go back to the future and take Blount County’s financial future into the unknown cost of doing nothing of 68 and $124 million. What will that do to a county whose Credit rating dropped in 2008 when we had to refinance our Swaps/ derivatives and weekly Variable Rate Demand Obligations, pay higher financing charges on our current $200 million in debt? Commissioner Monroe said on Salt and light that she was told at the Lenoir City Corrections committee meeting by an architechjust wait until we build your jail in Blount County.” The justice system action plan presents 6 key recommendations each with it’s own objective, lead agency, pro’s and con’s, costs and savings. Appendix A lists a summary of 76 separate recommendations for consideration. And Chairman Jeff Headrick has refused to even meet with this historic document’s author.