Islam Prostlizing in TN 7th Gade Social Studies Textbook

Salt and Light Guest Tuesday 27 October Robert McDaniel, Parent volunteer who was kicked out of
his son’s school for sharing with his fellow library workers that were complaining to him about having to write their names in Arabic and their being lied to about Islam in their 7th Grade Social Studies Textbook by Pearson titled, My World History and Geography; Middle Age to the Exploration of the America’s.   Below we have copied the review of the text by retired College
Professor Dr. Bill French who’s summary work on Islem can be ordered from his website The T before the page refers to the teachers text as opposed to the Pg. #
without the T refer to the student’s text page.

During Salt and Light we played the Russia Today UTube news story with a Yajasiti Father who had
spent $70,000 rescuing women and children from a slave market being run by ISIL.  Please watch
this real example of how Mohamed’s followers follow him today in ISIL’s Army that has occupied
Mosel northern Iraq.
Review by Dr. Bill French
Pearson Education – 6-7th grade – Geography: The Middle Ages to Exploration of the Americas
Kaspiel, et al, 2015
With regards to Islam this textbook rises to a half-truth, at best. There is a constant apologist bias in refusing to talk about Islamic cruelty. This text is more like propaganda than critical thought applied to history. The missing pieces are massive in scope. The suffering caused by slavery, jihad, dhimmitude and the Sharia annihilated the native civilizations in Egypt, North Africa, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, and Iraq. Jihad has murdered over 200 million people, but no hint is given. The text does not speak of the Islamic basis for slave trade that supplied the slaves who came to America.
Pg: T26, Header reads: Islamic Civilization, Chapter Resource Guide
Under Assignment: Students will produce an article on links to Muslim religion and culture. Would it be permitted to show the jihad verses in the Koran and violence against Christians?
World History, page 73
The text uses Ibn Battuta’s voyage as a device to explore Islamic culture. Any reader of the original work would wonder if the fact that Ibn Battua’s purchase of a slave for sex on his journey will be mentioned. One further wonders if his recording of the jihad for slaves in Africa, which he recorded, will be mentioned, as well.
The larger question is what will happen if a well-informed student mentioned this fact?
Pg. 74
“Christians and Jews were allowed to practice their religion freely…”
This is a lie. Christians and Jews were ruled by the dhimmi laws of Sharia law. Here is one set of the laws they ruled them:
So the progression was as follows: first jihad, then dhimmitude, and then the destruction of the native dhimmi culture. This became the model for the next 1400 years. The dhimmi became a second-class citizen in Islam and paid a heavy poll tax called the jizya. Only Jews and Christians and, sometimes, Magians (Zoroastrians) had the choice of becoming dhimmis. Buddhists, Hindus, and animists had the choice of death or conversion.
It was Umar, the second caliph, who set the standards for dhimmitude. His treaty with the dhimmis states:
We shall not build, in our cities or in their neighborhood new monasteries, churches, convents, or monks’ cells, nor shall we repair, by day or by night, such of them as fall in ruins or are situated in the quarters of the Muslims.
We shall keep our gates wide open for passersby and travelers. We shall give board and lodging to all Muslims who pass our way for three days.
We shall not give shelter in our churches or in our dwellings to any spy nor hide him from the Muslims.
We shall not manifest our religion publicly nor convert anyone to it. We shall not prevent any of our kin from entering Islam if they wish it.
We shall show respect toward the Muslims, and we shall rise from our seats when they wish to sit.
We shall not seek to resemble the Muslims by imitating any of their garments.
We shall not mount on saddles, nor shall we gird swords nor bear any kind of arms nor carry them on our persons.
We shall not engrave Arabic inscriptions on our seals.
We shall not sell fermented drinks.
We shall clip the fronts of our heads (keep a short forelock as a sign of humiliation).
We shall always dress in the same way wherever we may be, and we shall bind the zunar round our waists.
We shall not display our crosses or our books in the roads or markets of the Muslims. We shall only use clappers in our churches very softly. We shall not raise our voices when following our dead. We shall not take slaves who have been allotted to Muslims.
We shall not build houses higher than the houses of the Muslims.
Whoever strikes a Muslim with deliberate intent shall forfeit the protection of this pact.
(from Al-Turtushi, Siraj Al-Muluk, p. 229-30)
But this excerpt cannot really describe the world of the dhimmi. Islam dominated all public space. The government was Islamic; the education was Islamic; dress was Islamic; literature was Islamic. Only inside the dhimmi’s house could there be no Islam. The word of a dhimmi could not be used in court against a Muslim and crimes against dhimmis were rarely prosecuted.
The wealth of Islam came from the wealth and labor of the subjugated dhimmis. This had been true ever since Mohammed sent out his first jihadists to raid a Meccan caravan. From that day onward, Islam became wealthy through violence against the non-Muslim. The perfect example of the Jews of Khaybar
as dhimmis was used again and again. First jihad took the spoils of war and slaves; then the dhimmi tax system produced yearly wealth. Islam is a political system with a divine license to take what is wanted from dar al harb, the land of war.
Page T35
“Living in Arabia”
Will students be allowed to comment on the fact that Jews, pagans and Christians are not allowed to live in the most important parts of Arabia?
Pg. 79
The summary of Mohammed’s career does not truly reflect his actual history.
It should be noted that Mohammed averaged an event of violence every 6 weeks for the last 9 years of his life. Mohammed preached the religion of Islam for 13 years in Mecca and converted 150 Arabs to Islam. In Medina jihad for 9 years caused every Arab to convert. It was jihad that made Islam successful, not religion. Here is plot of the growth of Islam.
Five Pillars of Islam
Prayer is one of the Five Pillars. Every Muslim prays over a dozen times a day to recognize that Christians have gone astray and that Jews anger Allah. Surly, such curses should be taught to Christians and Jews.
Pg. T42
Re: Eid al-Fitr feast
The text does not mention that the first Eid was Mohammed’s celebration of his successful killing of non-Muslims at the Battle of Badr.
Pg. 81
In discussing the Hadith, they only mention the “good” hadith. For instance, Mohammed said, “Never ask a man why he beats his wife.”
Pg. 82
The Five Pillars.
Prayer is one of the Five Pillars. Every Muslim prays over a dozen times a day to recognize that Christians have gone astray and that Jews anger Allah. Surly, such curses should be taught to Christians and Jews.
It is also not mentioned that the Zakat charity cannot be used for Kafirs, non-Muslims. Only Muslims receive the Zakat charity. Indeed, part of the Zakat must go to jihad.
Pg. 85
Concerning the Sharia:
The Sharia is declared to be the only acceptable form of government. The Sharia does not only affect Muslims, but non-Muslims, Kafirs, as well. Kafirs must be dhimmis and be third class citizens under the Sharia. The Sharia is the justification of Muslims murdering 100,000 Christians last year.
Women can be beaten; children may be murdered by their parents.
All world governments must be centralized under the Caliph.
The Sharia defines jihad as war against the Kafirs. Jihad is a community obligation upon all Muslims. Jihad is properly called the Sixth Pillar.
Freedom of speech is denied under the Sharia. Apostates may be killed.
Pg 87
Empire—reasons for success:
The reason for Islamic success in war is its foundation in jihadic doctrine found in the Koran and the Hadith. Here we see how much of Islam’s sacred texts are devoted to jihad:
The success of the jihad can be seen in the Tears of Jihad: The Tears of Jihad
These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims through the political use of jihad.
Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. About 25 million slaves were delivered to the market. But the wars to obtain slaves killed about 120 million, including the young, old, and sick left behind.
120 million Africans killed
The total number of Christians martyred by Islam is about 60 million.
60 million Christians killed
The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad.
80 million Hindus killed
Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million.
10 million Buddhists killed
Total 270,000,000 killed
This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.
Pg. 88
Men and Women
This paragraph does not even touch the subjugation of women under the Sharia. But the first lie is that Islam improved women’s rights. Before Mohammed, women could live independently and be a full citizen, for example, see Mohammed’ first wife, Kadija. After Mohammed, women could be beaten. Here is the best summary from the Hadith (the B in the index is from Bukhari):
Women are less intelligent than men. They are also spiritually inferior to men.
Once, after offering prayer at Musalla, Mohammed said to the women, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell were women.” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.”
The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He replied, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They agreed that this was so. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied that this was so. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”
Women are an affliction to men.
Mohammed said, “If at all there is a bad omen, it is in the horse, the woman and the house.”
On another occasion, he had said, “I have not left any affliction after me more harmful to men than women.”
Women cannot help their flaws, so be nice to them.
Mohammed said, “Treat women nicely, for a women is created from a rib, and is much like one. If you try to straighten a rib, it will break, so I urge you to take care of the women.”
A woman, a donkey or a dog can nullify prayers.
When told that a prayer is annulled if the praying ones are passed by a dog, a donkey, or a woman, Aisha said,
Do you make us women equal to dogs and donkeys? While I used to lie in my bed, the Prophet would sometimes come to pray facing the middle of the bed. I felt like it was wrong of me to remain in front of him while he prayed, so I would slip away slowly and quietly from the foot of the bed until I stopped feeling guilty.
Pg. 91
The text mentions the Janissaries in a favorable manner. This is tragic.
Fundamentally, the Janissaries were a blood tax paid by the systematic forced collection of Christian children in the Balkans, practiced by Ottoman Turks. Every three or four years 300 to 1000 healthy boys and young men had to be taken by force to Turkey, converted to Islam and educated for military profession or religious disciplines. Part of the brutality of subjugating the Christian youth to accept the discipline of Islam was homosexual rape.
These sons of Christian parents were used in jihad war against Christians to expand Islam.
The daughters of the Christians were captured and used as sex slaves, as well.
Pg 92
The Taj Mahal is presented as a wonder of Islam. The Taj was originally a Hindu temple that was commandeered and converted to a Islamic structure. All of the Hindu stoneworkers had their right hand removed so that they would not build any other structure as beautiful.
Pg. 96
Actually, most of the medicine practiced in Islam was by Christians and Jews. Some scholars complained that most Muslims wanted to become Sharia lawyers.
It neglects to mention that the Islamic philosophy of the Golden Age culminated in the following:
1. There are no natural laws
2. There is no cause and effect
3. Only those ideas which do not criticize Islamic doctrine are permitted under Islam. This is authoritative logic and thought which forbids critical thought.
This basically destroys science and inquiring thought. There has never been a Nobel Prize in science given to a Muslim working in a Muslim nation. There is no modern scientific idea that has come into prominence from Islam, even with vast sums of money available.
These constraints also explain why almost no books are translated into Arabic. They don’t agree with Islamic doctrine and do not need to be read by a Muslim.
Pg 101
Translating the Greek and Roman works was all done by Christian Arabs. Only selected works were translated, none of the literature was translated.
Pg 103
The rest of Mohammed’s farewell sermon included: From Ishaq’s Sira: He also told them men had rights over their wives and women had rights over their husbands. The wives were never to commit adultery or act in a sexual manner toward others. If they did, they were to be put in separate rooms and beaten lightly. If they refrained from what was forbidden, they had the right to food and clothing. Men were to lay injunctions on women lightly for they were prisoners of men and had no control over their persons.
He said to feed and clothe the slaves well.
Public Comment Form MyWorld History & Geography, Middle Ages to Exploration of Americas The book says the Arab Muslim Empire was “generally” tolerant of Jews and Christians and states they were respected? The only mention in this book of their persecution was a special tax and “other restrictions”.
This book shows an obvious bias for Islam. Any negatives are either not mentioned, down played or glossed over.
Other religions are not handled in the same manner. Much of the text regarding Christianity focuses on internal conflicts or other negative aspects. One gets the impression that the section on Islam is written by a Muslim but the sections on Christianity read from an outsider’s perspective. Very little information is presented on the conquest of Islam over of formerly Christian nations like Egypt, Syria and Turkey.
Regarding Pages 72-107 and beyond, the books discussion of Islam and Sharia is scrubbed clean of negative aspects. This book is quick to discuss several less than positive issues regarding the Christian church, such as internal conflicts or power struggles between the clergy and secular rulers. In fact one of the few sections dedicated to Christianity is entitled “Divisions within the Christian Church”.
Islam is given the status of a Civilization where no other religion is. In discussing Islam, no mention of slavery is made which was definitely a characteristic aspect of the Islamic empires and was practiced by Muslims since the beginning of Islam. Slavery is condoned in the Koran, Hadiths and the Sunna. Where Slavery is not addressed in the cultures of Islam, slavery is described as a strong influence of the Roman culture.
P.82 Regarding Charity, one of the 5 pillars of Islam, the book fails to mention that Islamic charity does not apply to non-muslim believers. Refer to the Koran 28:86 which forbids lending support to non-believers.
P. 85 The books discussion of Sharia does not mention the lack of equal rights for women, non-Muslims and homosexuals. There is no mention of countries where sharia forbids women to work, receive an education, drive a car or move about unescorted by a male relative. There is no mention of women who are stoned to death under sharia for adultery even when it is actually a case where the woman is raped. There is no mention that women inherit half of what their male peers inherit and that it takes 3 women’s testimony to equal one man’s in a Sharia court of law. There is no mention of the death sentence for all homosexuals or many other negative aspects of Sharia.
p. 86 The book states Islam spread peacefully even though they “conquered” North Africa and Spain. I suggest that the spread of Islam was anything but peaceful . This is from the Medieval Source Book on the conquest of Spain by the Muslim invaders.
p.87 According to the book, religious toleration helped the Arab Muslim empire to expand. Conversely it is compared to the Byzantine or Christian empire which is stated to have persecuted Jews and non-Muslims.
The fact is, Islamic states treated Jews and Christians as 3rd class citizens, requiring an onerous Jiza Tax from them and severely restricting their freedoms of religious worship and commerce. Jews and Christians were not allowed to repair their synagogues or churches or ring bells during worship. They were not allowed to ride horses. Their testimony was not allowed in a court of law. Often their children were taken from them and forced into military service. There were many other hardships imposed on non-Muslims in Muslim conquered lands.
P. 88 Discusses how women were treated differently than men but soft sells the inequities as still a “general improvement” over their situation before Islam developed. No mention of ill treatment of women mentioned above under P85.
Review by Barbara S.
What is disturbing is that the teacher reviews of this book find absolutely no bias at all in spite of the entire section devoted to the study of Islam in detail and with a positive view. Islam is continued to be discussed in many other sections as well. Its like a primer on Islam. It reads more like a book on religion in this section than a history book The chapter on Christianity is titled, “Divisions in the Christian Church” Or in the Medieval times Christianity is discussed as a power struggle between Bishops and the Pope with Kings and rulers. Much fewer details on the fundamentals of Christianity are given in this book than that of Islam. Christianity is discussed in a flawed and negative way. This book is clearly biased for Islam if for no other reason than the sheer volume of the text devoted to discussion of it. Yet teachers state a Christian bias in the weekly reader for K_3 Grades because of the discussion of good character qualities that make a good citizen? and a later lesson with one paragraph describing what the Christian church is?
The book says the Arab Muslim Empire was “generally” tolerant of Jews and Christians and states they were respected? The only mention in this book of their persecution was a special tax and “other restrictions”.
This book shows an obvious bias for Islam. Any negatives are either not mentioned, down played or glossed over.
Other religions are not handled in the same manner. Much of the text regarding Christianity focuses on internal conflicts or other negative aspects. One gets the impression that the section on Islam is written by a Muslim but the sections on Christianity read from an outsider’s perspective. Very little information is presented on the conquest of Islam over of formerly Christian nations like Egypt, Syria and Turkey