Facts either misrepresented of failing to be reported by the Daily Times article on Saturday March 9 titled “County passes pay raises for employees to curb turnover” by Waylon Cunningham. FIRST The County “turnover” is better than State Government Employees according to US Department of Labor that reports a 9.2 year average tenure for employees … Read more

PER Capita INCOME includes 16 year olds and above in workforce US Census Bureau not American Comm. Service (ACS)

Greetings this happy afternoon Josh Foster Editor @ thedailytimes .com, February 25, 2019 Equal rights would give above the fold placement on the editorial page that would be appreciated since for my response has 66 fewer words than Commissioner Anderson when you don’t include the (https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk). The research to support my position is below under … Read more

FOIA EXPOSES $6,296 AVERAGE                              COUNTY PAY RAISE

70 % PAY RAISE UNJUSTIFIED & EXCESSIVE  The Blount County Commission has already recommended for approval on January 17,  FINAL VOTE IS Thursday February 21, 7pm Rm 430 Historic Courthouse             The contemptuous abuse of new Commissioners and distracted voters by the Berrong/Mitchel administration almost passed this resolution in January but … Read more

America AGAIN Petition for the 28th Amendment

The founders original First amendment in 1789 authorized one Congressional Representativefor every 50,000 persons in America. Today that would mean more than 6000 congressmenand impossible number to control. If you are tired of being controlled by special intereststhen copy the attached petition and share it with your Sunday school class and family. Ifyou need more … Read more

18th Annual Bible Marathon – 12 Hr Schedule

SPECIAL prayers of support and thanksgiving  go out to David and Genna Brown for organizingand anchoring the 18th Annual Bible Marathon on the Historic Blount County Courthouse lawnwhere you are invited to read the 1611 King James Bible cover to cover in 365, 15 minutesegments between 1pm Thursday May 5th and   Sundown   Sunday May 8th.  … Read more


ATTENTION !! OVERTAXED Blount County TAXPAYER the TAX SPENDERS are Targeting your wallet. The Blount Corrections Committee who’s mission is to solve the risky,inhumane overcrowded Blount County Jail is about to loose it’s certification because of the committee’s failure to address the reasonable alternatives presented by the $95,000 study done by nationally recognized, Institute of … Read more

Good Old Boy Grinches Steal for Christmas

This is Freida for Truth Radio News your ONLY LOCALLY OWNED Politically Incorrect News Source bringing you Four LOCAL High School Basketball games ON MOBIL TV weekly, throughout the Season LIVE from Truth Radio dot TV. WHY Special Called Commission Meetings in Blount County? Is it to avoid public awareness, by not having public input … Read more

Gender Bias or Political Correctness You Decide about Blount County’s Commission

This is Freida for Truth radio News your Politically Incorrect source for National and Local News with views from a God fearing, Constitution loving and Souvergin Serving perspective wishing all would come to be the Preserved by the indwelling power of our Savior’s sent Holy Spirit. Does Political Correctness equate to gender bias in Blount … Read more

Revisionist History Text Lies about ISLAM

The Tennessee 7th Grade Social studies text being used in ALL Blount County Middle schools, is published by Pearson Education for 6-7th Grade Geography: titled; The Middle Ages to Exploration of the Americas. The full review of this text book by Dr. Bill French is on the previous blog however the highlights of today’s post … Read more

Islam Prostlizing in TN 7th Gade Social Studies Textbook

Salt and Light Guest Tuesday 27 October Robert McDaniel, Parent volunteer who was kicked out ofhis son’s school for sharing with his fellow library workers that were complaining to him about having to write their names in Arabic and their being lied to about Islam in their 7th Grade Social Studies Textbook by Pearson titled, … Read more