
You can read more at the Truth Radio 1470AM Blogspot.

  • ONE Citizen CAN make a DIFFERENCE Please read and Share the GOOD NEWS

    Happy to report that the temptation of unconstitutional absolute power that corrupts absolutely passed on by Governor Lee in executive Order 62 will not be used by Loudon County Mayor Bradshaw because in his own words, the “government has no right to infringe upon this decision…and everyone should make their own decisions to do what…

  • FAKE CIA Propaganda Promotes Wuhan FEAR

    FAKE CIA Propaganda has been driving TV NEWS for three years about Russian Collusion and a sham impeachment you would hope even sheep would learn not to trust anything they say. Look at their pharmcutical industry driven advertising financing their operation is it any surprise we are now told we need vaccines to return to…


    Gov. Bill Lee needs a wake-up call to get out of the Grasps of the power hungry Bureaucrats and recognize He has been deceived the TN constitution does not even contain the word “EMERGENCY” and the TCA 58-2-102 is clearly unstitutional when it says “ the governor may issue executive orders, proclamations, and rules and…

  • Eliminating Corona-19 & Social Distancing

    Harry here Truth Radio reporter with ways you can protect loved ones from the Wuhan Flu. The Consumer Reports March 17 ht edition this year reports,  “According to the CDC, household (3 percent) hydrogen peroxide is effective in deactivating rhinovirus, the virus that causes the common cold, within 6 to 8 minutes of exposure. Rhinovirus…

  • Common Sense Reporting on Covid-19

    PSA Script Common Sense Reporting on Covid -19           Common sense defenses from a listener’s friend on a Sanford Hospital board passing information received from Taiwan and Japanese doctors treating Covid-19. It will cause a sore throat for 3 or 4 days. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that flows through the trachea…

  • OATH is ONLY “RELIGIOUS TEST” in TN Constitution

    Harry your reporter for Truth Radio News reminding you that you are the Salt and Light literally translated prudent radiance or Harry’s chosen attitude humbly joyful. To many of our leaders with authority are not honoring their Creator’s purpose for them as Isaiah wrote in chapter 43 verse 7 everyone who is called by my name,…

  • EMP Threat Assessment by TVA

    This is Harry for Truth Radio News thanking you for your prayers and support over the past 25 years we welcome them starting this new decade as the enemies of Truth Seekers have banned Inforwars from 23 Internet platforms in August of 2018 he has been joined by over 800 others falling victims to the…


                             Real Property Values Increased 20 Percent Increasing Tax Revenues                                              SO Property TAXES DON’T have to go up So why are Blount County,Townsend, Maryville and Alcoa employees talking about pay raises and increased benefits?…

  • Mayor Mitchell’s Failure to Fulfill Fiscal Duties Costs Taxpayers $1.6million

    Two weeks ago WBCR AM1470 requested the cost of the contracts issued by the school board to resolve it’s backlog of failed maintenance issues resulting in a $90+ Million High SchoolRenovation Project for Wm. Blount and Heritage High Schools.  Blount County Schools in August and November 2017 signed contracts with Lawler Wood LLC for $489,740…

  • Don’t Get FOOLED AGAIN Listen to Truth Radio AM 1470 Everyday and ACT to Preserve Freedom in Blount County

    This is Freida for Truth radio NEWS on AM 1470 streamed from and on your phone at 1-641-741-1023 thats 1-641-741-1023 Where you Exclusively hear on Radio AM 1470 in the Knox Metro area. Where Alex Jones and Inforwars ads are just $80/week for 24 – 30second for 3 months. For a sample AD call…